While watching the movie I realized something that I had not before. I realized that Sherlock Holmes reminds me greatly of Dr House. Maybe it was just because of the acting style of the actors, or maybe it was because they both had side-kicks whose name started with W. [For Dr House: Wilson For Sherlock: Watson] So, as always I wrote it down in my notes and I went to write about it here. I began some research and found out that I definitely was not alone thinking of this. There are at least two dozen like minded people out there! I soon found out that indeed- Dr. House had been modeled after Sherlock Holmes but mixed with bits and pieces of other characters as well.
This side by side found on www.housemd-guide.com/holmesian.php was very helpful to me to see just how closely the two relate:
Sherlock Holmes
Can deduce a great deal from just looking at a person.
Gregory House, MD
Can deduce and diagnose a great deal just from looking at a person.
Sherlock Holmes
Holmes' creator based the character on a doctor.
Gregory House, MD
Greg House is a doctor
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes fought deadly criminals
Gregory House, MD
Fights deadly germs, diseases and other medical problems.
Sherlock Holmes
Used cocaine to escape boredom
Gregory House, MD
Uses Vicodin for pain in his leg, and also for boredom and the pain of dealing with "stupid" people.
Sherlock Holmes
Holmes calls even his best friend by his last name
Gregory House, MD
House calls all his associates by their last names
Sherlock Holmes
Arrogant. Said humility would be a lie
Gregory House, MD
Greg House is extremely arrogant.
Sherlock Holmes
Read the agony columns in the paper
Gregory House, MD
Watches soaps, plays video games, etc.
Sherlock Holmes
Languid and lazy when not on a case.
Gregory House, MD
Lazy until he is forced to look into something that intrigues him.
For more continue onto the site: http://www.housemd-guide.com/holmesian.php
Holmes and House are both characters who are very good at what they do and are called upon when the case is too hard for those below them.
I was amazed that I had never noticed this before as I used to be an avid House watcher.
Below is Wilson, and Watson
What other characters has Sherlock inspired?